

Swim 7.6km
Bike 360km
Run 84.4km






Avg Water Temp: 22.9/73.2F

Avg Air Temp: 25C/77F

Since 2005, the Huskisson Triathlon Festival has been growing bigger and better year on year, and it has all been leading to this! From humble beginnings with 285 athletes, to 6000+ competitors year on year…2025 will see the introduction of our BIGGEST EVENT EVERHusky Ultra!

Competitors will engage in four days of intense racing across 5 days, challenging the fortitude of our most formidable athletes!

Husky Ultra begins with 3 days of racing – a swim and bike on Wednesday, a bike on Thursday and a run on Friday. Following a Saturday rest day (phew!!), athletes will take on the Husky Ultimate Triathlon on Sunday, in a final push to conquer Husky Ultra.

Husky Ultra will take in some of the most amazing locations of the Shoalhaven Region including beaches with the world’s whitest sand – challenging both INDIVIDUAL athletes and (for the first time in Australian Ultra Events) TEAMS.


Not quite ready to take on the whole event this year? Grab a buddy or two and team up!

An Husky Ultra team will see a team member swim on Wednesday and Sunday, a member bike on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, and a member run on Friday and Sunday (2 or 3 people).




Athletes will be self-supported by their team members, family and friends, who will play a major part in the excitement and nerves of this event, with limited options if you do not have this support.

    • Every athlete must have a minimum of one adult as support crew. Vehicle: Each team will be given two numbers to affix to the crew vehicle. The first is to be affixed to the lower right (driver’s side) of the back windshield. The second should be affixed to the lower left (passenger’s side) front windshield
    • Two handlers are included in the price of registration, who each receive a handler tee and an invitation to the Welcome function on Tuesday 18th. Additional handlers (including tee and invitation to function) can be added at the time of registration.


  • The athlete and crew must ensure they follow the official course, as advised by Elite Energy prior to the event. If an athlete fails to follow the official course, time penalties or disqualification No time credits or adjustments in finishing results shall be made for athletes who fail to follow the proper course for any reason. Time penalties or disqualification may result from failure to follow the proper course. Every effort will be made to mark each intersection on the course. Detailed course descriptions and route maps will be made available to each athlete and crew.


  • Competitors can race as individuals or in a team. Teams can be all male, all female or mixed. Competitors will be divided into ten year age groups, starting at 18 years of age.
  • Competitors must be a minimum of 18 yrs old on race day.


  • Should any athlete disobey any of the rules as listed by Elite Energy Events, they may be disqualified by race organisers.


  • Medical will be available at the Finish Line and where possible, in vehicles for emergencies.
  • Each athlete will have responsibility for their own wellbeing and basic first aid and should carry their own band-aids, blister/strapping tape, chafe cream, and sunscreen.
  • Ensure you are aware of the effects of dehydration and extreme fatigue. If you do not feel you are not fit to continue, call the Elite Energy race day phone number to withdraw.


  • It is essential for athletes to ensure adequate planning has been undertaken prior to their race. All athletes must inform, train, organise and prepare their support team to ensure a smooth and safe race. This includes providing them with copies of event information including any adjustments to the race schedule. It is also recommended the athlete and support team drive the entire land course before the start of the event.


  • It is compulsory for Athletes and the Support Team Captains to attend the race briefing on Wed 20th Feb. Athletes and crews must register before the start of the Pre-Event/Race sessions. All members of the support team are encouraged to attend the briefings, however if they can not attend, it is the athlete and support team captain’s role to ensure all crew are briefed.


    The swim will be a 5.7 km course (see the maps). Each swimmer must have a safety ski/board for the swim duration. The main goals of your paddler are;

    1. Safety without advantage, motivatation and support on your journey.
    2. Ensure you swim in the straightest line possible (it is recommended to paddle on the leading side that your swimmer breaths).
    3. Ensure your swimmer has adequate nutrition to complete the swim and prepare for the ride immediately afterwards.
    • Paddlers are NOT to interfere with other swimmers or paddlers during their time in the water. It would benefit if your paddler held a First Aid Certificate (but not compulsory). All paddlers must carry a plastic whistle (Preferably a Fox 40) (for emergency use only).
    • Wetsuits are recommended (for a fast new wetsuit, use your HUUB Discount Voucher).


    • You will be given a mesh swim bag to place your nutrition into at registration. Your paddler will be able to hand you this bag (when requested) to allow you to consume adequate nutrition during the swim. Please ensure that BOTH the swimmer and paddler have adequate fluid and nutrition for the entire swim leg. All empty nutrition packaging, etc, MUST be placed back in the mesh bag (supplied). Callala Beach is part of a national park and must be left the way we find it.


    • If, for some reason, you need assistance or feel unwell, your paddler will be your immediate first assistance. They may bring you to shore for support, or you can rest and recover (stationary) until you feel okay and continue on. If, for some reason, your paddler needs to escalate the emergency, they can use their whistle and wave their arms to attract attention.
    • Paddlers MUST carry a mobile phone in a waterproof bag for emergencies (Emergency contact list will be provided at Race Briefing)
    • BOTH swimmer and paddler must attend the pre-race briefing.


        • Cut-off times TBC
        • Mandatory gear list TBC

        REAR LIGHT

        • All participants are required to have a flashing light attached to the rear of their bike.


        • Wednesday – Currarong Bowling Club carpark
        • Thursday – Nerriga Public Toilet Rest Stop


        • Wednesday: Rest/Recovery station at Callala Beach Community Hall
        • Thursday: Refill stations at Nowra MotoPlex, Tianjara Falls, Nerriga Public Toilet Rest Stop (turn around point), Tianjara Falls, Nowra MotoPlex


        • Drafting of any type is prohibited.

            RUN INFO / RULES

            • Cut-off times TBC
            • Mandatory gear list TBC


            • Aid stations at 4 points through the course through Huskisson and Vincentia. Huskisson Beach, Illfracrome St, Vincentia Boat Ramp & Greenfields Beach (Blenheim Beach)

                ULTRA REGO & WELCOME

                TUESDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2025

                Welcome Function
                Compulsory Race Briefing
                Huskisson Hotel

                ULTRA RACE SCHEDULE

                START TIME
                CUT-OFF TIME
                Swim 5.7 km
                Callala Beach
                Bike 90 km
                Bike 180 km
                Run 63 km
                Huskisson area
                REST DAY
                S1.9/B90/R21 (Husky Ultimate)
                Preso & Awards
                White Sands Park

                Please note: Schedules are subject to change

                Callala Beach / Callala Bay

                Callala Beach is the longest beach in Jervis Bay and is a great place to swim, beach walk or run.

                Parts of the beach back onto Callala Beach and Myloa township, while other parts back onto untouched bushland.

                You can catch the Husky Ferry from Myola at the southern end of the beach across to Huskisson.

                At the northern end of the beach is a reserve and a small creek inlet behind a rocky reef which provides a sheltered swimming spot at high tide.

                DAY 1: COURSE MAPS – WEDNESDAY 19.2.2025

                SWIM – 5.7KM

                • START – Callala Beach Community Centre
                • North West for 1.3km (buoy turn)
                • South to 4.5km (buoy turn)
                • North West 1.2km
                • FINISH – Callala Beach Community Centre – 5.7km
                Course Map: Swim 5.7km

                SWIM: 5.7km
                LOCATION: Callala Beach  
                AVERAGE WATER TEMP FEB: 22.6C/72.6F
                ELEVATION: n/a
                SURFACE: Ocean

                BIKE – 90KM

                • START – Bike HQ Callala Beach Community Centre
                • Turn left onto Callala Beach Rd – 0.6 km
                • Turn left onto Forest Rd – 3.9 km
                • Continue onto Currarong Rd – 27.5 km
                • Continue onto Forest Rd – 53.5 km
                • Turn left onto Callala Beach Rd – 54.4 km
                • Turn right onto Quay Rd – 57.7 km
                • Turn left onto Callala Beach Rd – 59.0 km
                • Turn left onto Forest Rd – 62.2 km
                • Turn right onto Callala Beach Rd – 84.9 km
                • Turn right onto Quay Rd – 90 km – FINISH
                Course Map: Bike 90km

                BIKE: 90km
                LOCATION: Callala Beach 
                AVERAGE AIR TEMP FEB: 24C/75.2F
                ELEVATION: + 1,095 – 1,097
                SURFACE: Controlled traffic

                Nerriga & The Shoalhaven

                Nerriga is a small village in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, It is situated at the edge of Morton National Park, on the Braidwood – Nowra road.

                This tiny town is best known for the iconic Nerriga Hotel. This is also the 155km bike turn back to the Nowra Motoplex.

                DAY 2: COURSE MAP – THURSDAY 20.2.2025

                BIKE – 180KM

                • START – Nowra Motoplex
                • Turn left onto Albatross Rd – 5.1km
                • Turn left onto Yalwal Rd – 9.8km
                • Continue onto Burrier Rd – 16.7km (course turn)
                • Continue onto Yalwal Rd – 30.0km
                • Turn left onto Longreach Rd- 40.7km (course turn)
                • Turn right onto Cabbage Tree Ln – 46.5km
                • Turn right onto Albatross Rd – 48.6km
                • Turn right onto Braidwood Rd – 51.9km
                • Continue onto Nerriga Rd – 53.3km
                • Continue onto Braidwood Rd – 109.2 km
                • Nerriga (course turn) – 115km
                • Continue onto Braidwood Rd
                • FINISH – Nowra Motoplex – 180km
                Course Map: Bike 180km

                BIKE: 180km
                LOCATION: Nowra Motoplex
                AVERAGE AIR TEMP FEB: 24C/75.2F
                ELEVATION: + 2,366 – 2,365
                SURFACE: Controlled traffic

                Jervis Bay foreshore

                Vivid aquamarine waters, a menagerie of wildlife and sand the colour of snow. Jervis Bay on the NSW South Coast has it all.

                Found in the Shoalhaven region, indulge in an assortment of water sports, join dolphin-watching cruises, explore national parks and snorkel with marine life in this coastal paradise. 

                DAY 4: COURSE MAP – FRIDAY 21.2.2025

                RUN – 63KM

                63KM RUN DESCRIPTION (15+KM LOOP X 4)


                • START – Fegan St Huskisson (Near the White Sands Tourist Park)
                • Turn left onto Nowra St – 0.22
                • Continue onto Beach St – 0.37
                • Over Moona Moona bridge turn left at Ilfracombe st
                • course turn at Greenfields Beach – 7km
                • Back to Fegan St Huskisson – 15+km – FINISH
                • Paved – 5.7 km (38%)
                • Unpaved – 1.6 km (11%)
                • Unknown – 7.7 km (51%)
                  Course Map: Run 63km

                  RUN: 63km
                  LOCATION: Huskisson 
                  AVERAGE AIR TEMP FEB: 24C/75.2F
                  ELEVATION: + 633 – 623
                  SURFACE: Controlled traffic

                  DAY 4: SATURDAY 22.2.2025

                  REST & RECOVER

                  DAY 5: COURSE MAPS
                  SUNDAY 23.2.2025
                  ULTIMATE TRIATHLON

                  THE SWIM – 1.9KM

                  A 1.9km point-to-point swim in the pristine emerald waters of Jervis Bay

                  Course Map: Swim 1.9km

                  SWIM: 1.9km
                  LOCATION: Shark Net Beach -Huskisson  
                  AVERAGE WATER TEMP FEB: 22.6C/72.6F
                  ELEVATION: n/a
                  SURFACE: Open water Bay

                  THE BIKE – 90KM

                  From transition you head West out to Woollamia. The bike leg is 3 laps x 30km.

                  Course Map: Bike 90km

                  BIKE: 90km
                  LOCATION: Huskisson (transition) 
                  AVERAGE AIR TEMP FEB: 24C/75.2F
                  ELEVATION: + 276M – 276m
                  SURFACE: Closed Road

                  THE RUN – 21.1KM

                  The run leg cradles the foreshore of Jervis Bay with a turn at Plantation Point, Vincentia. 

                  Course Map: Run 21.1km

                  RUN: 21.1km
                  LOCATION: Huskisson (transition) 
                  AVERAGE AIR TEMP FEB: 24C/75.2F
                  ELEVATION: + 33 – 39m
                  SURFACE: Sealed Path

                  ENTRY FEES

                  • All participating ULTRA athletes will be championed on our social pages in the lead up to Shimano Husky Triathlon Festival.
                  • Merch packs included for participants registered prior to 5pm 22 January 2025.

                  Payment plan available
                  Pay $500 payment to secure your spot on the start line and have an invoice issued for 2 further payments one on the 15th November equalling 50% of the balance and the remaining balance due on the 3rd Feb 2025. Deposit is subject to refund and withdrawal policy.

                  For more information regarding our payment plan option, contact:
                  02 4423 7775

                  EARLY BIRD
                  Closes Midnight 30 Aug
                  Closes 16 Feb 2025
                  DAY LICENCE
                  Individual Husky Ultra
                  Team Husky Ultra
                  Husky Ultra Team Member

                  Prices are in AUD (Australian dollars)

                  WHAT YOU GET

                  Swag includes:

                  • Backpack
                  • Athlete Jacket
                  • Athlete Finisher t-shirt
                  • Husky Hat
                  • Husky Socks
                  • Athlete Handler t-Shirt x 2
                  • Towel
                  • Welcome Event included for Athlete and 2 Handlers
                  • Fisiocrem Massage
                  • Ice Bath Recovery
                  • Hydration partner products
                  • Ultra Finisher Award
                  • Ultimate Finisher Medal

                  You also get…

                  • Valuable draw prizes
                  • Sponsors products
                  • Beautiful race venue
                  • Timing chip and results on event day
                  • Safe and professionally managed event
                  • Police or professional traffic control personnel at all major intersections
                  • Traffic restrictions or partial/total road closures (dependent on local authorities approvals)
                  • Incredible support from local sport and charity groups – who receive a portion of proceeds from the event
                  • Sanctioning, technical support and insurance through triathlon NSW
                  • Aid stations on the run courses with water and hydration
                  • Post-event snacks and recovery nutrition
                  • Bragging rights and annual stories to tell